Beijing Institute of Technology held a seminar on building strong awareness of the Chinese nation community

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为深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于加强和改进民族工作的重要思想,We will implement the principles of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee,We will deepen education on building a strong community of the Chinese nation,10月15日,中国社会科学院民族学与人类学研究所所长、中央四部委Build a strong sense of community among the Chinese nation研究基地首席专家王延中教授作题为《冰球突破》的辅导报告。Members of the leading group on ethnic and religious work units in charge, secretaries of grass-roots Party organizations, college (academy, research institute) responsible for student work, counselors and ideological and political teachers representatives attended the meeting。The meeting was chaired by Bao Liying, deputy secretary of the Party Committee。


王延中系统阐述了习近平总书记关于加强和改进新时代党的民族工作的重要思想;结合新中国民族工作发展历史及新时代民族工作取得的伟大成就,The evolution of the consciousness of community of the Chinese nation and its significance are introduced comprehensively.Around the five characteristics of Chinese civilization,It deeply analyzed the key tasks and practical paths of carrying out the consciousness of building a strong Chinese national community and promoting the construction of a Chinese national community。He talks,Build a strong sense of community among the Chinese nation,The fundamental premise is to establish a correct view of the history of the Chinese nation,We will continue to strengthen the concept of a community in which people of all ethnic groups share weal and woe, honor and shame, life and death, and a shared future,Firmly recognize the great motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China, and socialism with Chinese characteristics,We will guide the Chinese people of all ethnic groups to work together in unity,Common prosperity and development,Achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through the great unity of the Chinese nation。

包丽颖强调,本次报告全面、深入、系统地解读了习近平总书记关于加强和改进民族工作的重要思想,为广大师生提高政治站位,深化思想认识、推动工作开展提供了理论视角和实践指导,具有很强的政治性、思想性和针对性。The whole school should adhere to the main line of casting a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation,Uphold the leadership of the Party,We will comprehensively strengthen education on the consciousness of the Chinese ethnic community,To carry out the fundamental task of moral cultivation,The consciousness of building a strong Chinese nation community will be integrated into all aspects of the whole process of school running, school teaching and education,Build a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation,We have gathered great strength to realize the Chinese dream of great national renewal。